Saturday 14 March 2015

Choosing my GCSEs!

Hey guys! So in this post, because it's a Saturday today is a relaxed post, a 'Me' post as I named it in the last post. So this coming week on the 20th of March I've got to give in my GCSE form. I'm very positive towards what I've chosen, but during the process of choosing I was so scared because your GCSEs rely on your future. So, during choosing I had no support from anyone but myself to talk about what I've chosen. So I thought I would help you guys, not really help, but, support.

So at my school they said that they highly recommend you chose language because it helps you get into University and have a job. One of the most needed languages in the UK for businesses is German, French and then Spanish (in that order.) German is the top needed language, I hate learning German, with a strong passion, so, I chose French. I prefer French a lot more.
I also chose business studies, because it's very useful to have. If you have a strong passion  in something, eg, Interior design or computing, it's good to maybe start a business in them. Two good reasons for owning a business is, you're doing what you love, and you usually get paid a good amount of money. The only disadvantage is that you would have to work your but off!
I also chose Art because I'm a very creative person, plus I love art. I think the reason I love art is that you can be as creative as you want and no one can judge you on that, plus you can let out some emotions that you might feel like you can't in words.
And the last thing I've chosen is Geography because I love learning about the world and I'd rather do Geography than History! Yet again (just like German) I hate History with a strong passion, so I'd rather do Geography.
As you have probably realized I didn't talk about Maths, English or Science. That is because in GCSEs no matter what you have to to take Maths, English, Science and a half RS course (You also still have to do PE, but that's off GCSE curriculum, so you don't get a grade.) So I felt like I didn't need to talk about them because it's not what I'M choosing.

I hope you enjoyed this quick relaxed post! Please comment what you think and follow for more of these types of posts.
Thank you!
Patel Lauren<3

Sunday 8 March 2015

CO-LAB review!

Hey guys! Today I've got a review for you, and its a review on the CO-LAB dry shampoo by Ruth Crilly, AKA, a model recommends (as seen on YouTube). Not only is she a YouTuber, but she is also a model., and 25 weeks pregnant!
Ruth Crilly.

I have three of the CO-LAB dry shampoos; New York, Rio and Paris. If you haven't realized all ready, they're all named after places. Which I think is a nice touch. Not only the names being lovely, but the scents are gorgeous! The Paris scent is very flowery, the New York scent is very fruity and the other Rio scent is very tropical. The other two out of the five I haven't got, and they are the Tokyo and London.
The five dry shampoo cans.

When I was planning out this blog post I couldn't stop writing down all the benefits I found in this product after the last couple of months. These are the benefits:
-No residue
-There are big and small cans
-Easy apply process
-Very appealing packaging 
-Smell amazing
-Variety of fragrances
-Sheer invisible formula 
-Really good prices
- The price of a big can is £3.49
-The price of a small can is £1.99

They're all my benefits, and I only have one disadvantage. Which is quite weird so I think this just happens to me. When I use this product on days when my hair is greasy and needs a wash, after applying and brushing it in, my hair can go static, which yes is quite strange, but I think it's just me so don't be put off buying it.
Other than that my experience from using this product is good. I personally think it's like a shower in a can, and it only takes a couple of seconds. So I highly recommend you buy this product because you won't be disappointed!

This was my CO-LAB review! I hope you liked it. Please comment what you think, and follow for more of these types of posts.
Thank you!
Patel Lauren<3 

Saturday 7 March 2015

My new schedule!

Hey guys! So recently I've been cruising blogger checking out other blogs, and I was comparing all the blogs I saw, to my blog. From all the comparing there was something that stood out to me that I need to change, and that is posting more. So I've come up with a new schedule! From now on i'm going to post every Saturday and Sunday! So, every Saturday from now on i'm going to write a 'Me' post, so basically I'll be writing about what appeals to... me, and something possibly about... well me. (It's very self explanatory *hangs head in shame thinking why I wasted my life typing that*). And every Sunday i'm going to write a review! I enjoyed writing the Girl Online review so I wanted to write more!

That's my new schedule! I hope you agree with my decisions and I hoped you liked it, this was just a quick post. Please comment what you think, and sorry I haven't posted in 2 weeks! *hangs head in shame, and slaps wrist*
Thank you!
Patel Lauren<3

Saturday 14 February 2015

My fears!

Hi guys! I thought in this post I'd share my fears with you. I'm only going to share three with you, because I have a lot of fears and we'll be here forever if I share all of them. The three fears I'm about to share with you aren't exactly the average fears. Hope you enjoy, and comment your fears down below!
1. Sharks!
I don't even know where this fear came from but I hate sharks and they scare me and they give me the creeps and yeah, I don't like sharks in the slightest.
2. Falling over!
Now this really isn't ordinary! Is it just me, but when you fall over it's just so scary. I actually have nightmares about falling over, I know right! One of the nightmares I had once, well I have this same nightmare a lot, but what happens is I'm talking to someone, anyone, and suddenly I face plant the floor. I'm just standing up straight and then suddenly I fall straight over. There's just something truly terrifying about face planting the floor, and I'm sure its not just me.
3. Drowning!
Now I'm sure a lot of people have a fear of drowning and dying. It's horrible to think about. My drowning nightmare is just being trapped in a box of water and not being able to get out. I'm sure many people and this nightmare as well, and it's not just me!
Sorry this blog post was so short, I felt like writing a short and snappy one that's quick and easy to read! I hope you liked it. Please comment what you think, plus, comment your fears! Follow for more of these types of posts.
Thank you!
Patel Lauren<3 

Saturday 7 February 2015

Girl Online Review!

Hi guys! In this post I thought, because I have no other ideas, i'd do a book review of Girl Online. 

Girl Online is a book written by a new rising author called Zoe Sugg, but more know as Zoella online to her fans on YouTube. She makes beauty, fashion and lifestyle vlogs. More than 7million watch her and has a hit blog called also Zoella. She lives in Brighton with her boyfriend Alfie Deyes, more know as PointlessBlog, and also has a pet pug called Nala, so cute. Her book broke the records within one week! She even beat J.K Rowling!
^Zoe Sugg.
The book is about a girl called Penny owning a secret blog online called Girl Online. She talks about her difficulties in life such as anxiety and panic attacks. They go on a work holiday to New York where she helplessly falls in love with a boy called Noah. There's a plot twist, which changes everything, but then there's another plot twist within that plot twist!
This is a great book for teenagers from 12+ seeing as you need a good understanding of panic attacks and anxiety. It's such a good book and very enjoyable! I would highly recommend that you read this!

That was my first book review! I hope you liked it. Please comment what you think and follow for more of these types of posts.
Thank you!

Patel Lauren<3